Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Mystical Energy - Fun Schway Interiors

  Fun Schway Interiors (North American Feng Shui)

Ancient history...
alchemy, science, philosophy and the mystical movement of energy are all part of an ongoing quest for a deeper understanding of life.

The environment, our surroundings affect our moods, health and lifestyle. Everyone carries the mystical movement of Earth's energy from their birth year throughout their whole life.

Understanding the sacred secrets from the teachings of Traditional Feng Shui masters, the mysteries of how your life, home and the environment effect 'us' everyday in every way. 

Western culture differs greatly from Eastern ways and the ancient art of living in harmony with the environment endeavors to bring well-being to people, buildings and the environment.
Every 'thing' vibrates and carries energy.
A house carries energy from the land, the architect, the builder, all those who worked on it, lived in it and every 'thing' inside it.
When there is a lack of balance and upheaval, be aware of negative energy that surrounds you, and then make corrections by following some simple steps to enhance your health, relationships, finances, career and creativity. It's all about 'feelings' ... if there is something, someone or some place that doesn't feel just right, listen to your intuition... there is negative energy which could lead to mishaps, accidents, arguments, loss of finances, sickness, and many other situations. Be mindful, stay focused and listen to your feelings. It's good fun schway!!!
Book Trailer ....

By taking a closer look at your home, office, surroundings, you will see that the way you treat them is a direct reflection of how others treat you. There is a need for everyone to understand how to change negative to positive energy within yourself, as well as in your environment. Some people take yoga, tai ch'i, special medications or treatments, but it your environment isn't positive, then these endeavors won't work to their potential.

Change! When you're looking to kick it up a notch, make corrections. Rearrange the garden, wash the windows, trim the hedges, reposition the artwork, clean out the closets, remove the 'stuff' and you will notice that the energy changes.

Available Online for your convenience. Ebooks
Paperback Book in Canada
Paperback Book in UK
Paperback Book in USA

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